Welcome to my KHLEO THOMAS site!
I have copyrighted (on bottom Nadra) so please do not take my ideas unless u ask or give me credit thanx I have a lot of different pix and info bout Khleo Thomas!! feel free to check it out!!!!
I'm sorry I havent been updating my site lately. I havent had time, but I juss did as much as I could. Thank you for your patience!!! *prob. spelt that wrong.... lolz*
click to listen to Khelo's description of the lizards in holes.
Go to http://www.movieweb.com/news/news.php?id=4223 or http://www.killermovies.com/r/rollbounce/ for info on that movie.
Hey, Khleozgurl@yahoo.com told meh *at tha guest book* that Khleo's going to Chicago on June 28th to film a new movie called Roll Bounce. I'll give ya more info soon!!!
I have a new interview! check it out on the interview page!
i have a new poll! check it out! go to the quiz page
I got a new page, an interveiw page, check it out!
the Thomas' have a new baby girl, 5 months, named Khaleea! Congratulations!
A girl named Aja *pronounced Asia* emailed this info about Khleo's new sis to me. shes been a lot of help! thank you!
Khleo Thomas stars in, Going to the mat now on Disney Channel! U gots ta see it!!! Its great!
Khleo Thomas is now 15!! since Jan. 30th!!
check out these movies with Khleo:
Holes (of course) Friday after next Walking Tall (new) Going to the Mat (new) scene from ER (new) Kids say the darndest things gettin' the mans foot outa ya @$$ and other lifes lessons to see the Walking Tall trailor, Click Here! |
If you liked the movie HOLES, check these out!
The book, Holes Stanley Yelnats' survival guide to Camp Green Lake and the Holes Soundtrack! Its really good! if you wanna check out the words... go to the lyrics page |

Holes Commontary is in process!